It is the third generation of closures that we realize on the neck finish Affaba Ferrari 38 mm 3 start.
We have collected previous experiences and realized this capsule that combines the traditional ease of packaging with high performance seal, as well as an improved venting that gives ample guarantees of inviolability and a device in the internal profile of the thread that allows the degassing of the product in case of deterioration, necessary for the safety of users.
There is an extraordinary common thread on this product line that we are pleased to share with you.
The first productions of these capsules were made in 1998 for Parmalat who wanted to replicate in plastic the old traditional glass bottle after many years of exclusive use of containers in paper/PE.
Well, most of the same customers that Affaba Ferrari supplied with aluminum seals for glass bottles in the early 50’s are now our important customers with a bottle very similar in shape and aesthetics to those of the past, but functional to the modern distribution organized, today in plastic, still with AF closures.